! ! get involved ! !

Ani has spent her life philosophizing and critiquing the problems that exist in the society in which we live. She has also dedicated her life to making change happen. Her music is not just lyrical, not just poetry, but a call to action. Right now, we are living in a society where we are propegating notions of war, destruction and other atrocities. I agree with Ani when she states that she is embarrassed to be an American in our current situation. If you believe in Ani, if you are truly listening, you know that she is not simply an entertainer. And if you listen a bit harder, you realize that she's telling you that it is time to genuinely face up and sing.

Get involved. Participate. Make change.

Take a cause that you believe in and volunteer your time, your money, your heart. Contact your government to tell them that you disagree. If you are old enough, vote. Don't just be a passive listener.

Not in Our Name is a pledge of resistence stating that the warlike US government is not acting on behalf of its people. Ani has signed the Statement of Conscience; why don't you?

Ani has often been found doing interviews with Democracy Now, as they are a public broadcast media that is attempting to provide alternates to corporate driven megamedia. Listen and support their work. Also, check out Indy Media.

Ani often addresses issues of rape and gender-based abuse. V-Day is a non-profit working to end violence against women worldwide. Folks all over the world produce productions of The Vagina Monologues in their towns and schools to help raise money for their local communities. Folks in Pakistan are doing it; why don't you?

Ani has often sung to raise money for prison reform issues. Why not get involved with prison reform? Check out the Prison Activist Resource Center or Not With Our Money.

During the election, Ani sang to raise money for Ralph Nader and the Green Party. Why not volunteer to help them make strides in the 2004 election?

We all want to live in a culture of peace. The United Nations' Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization has put together a site where you too can participate in creating a Culture of Peace.

Ani has been speaking against war and participating in events to stop war. Participate in A.N.S.W.E.R.: Act Now to Stop War & End Rancism!

Queer issues have always been important to Ani. Get involved with (or start) a local chapter of GLSEN - dedicated to creating safe schools for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people


Whatever you choose to do, whatever your passion is, just get involved. Stand up for your beliefs and stand up to this culture of war. Use your voice to make change, just as Ani has done. And let's hope that, in our lifetimes, we will see an end to violence and war.


[The non-profits and actions listed here are danah's recommendations and do not necessarily reflect Ani's participation.]

[Ani recently added an actions page on Righteous Babe which adds additional links of interest related to media and peace&justice.]