i was done at 16
showin up for class
i was out there
in the ring
learnin how to kick some ass
i was done at 16
using my momma's key
it was all on me
yes it was all on me
weren't no free rides
weren't no iou's
i pulled my weight
i paid my dues
and i showed up
to enlist
on the first day of recruits
how bout you?
how bout you
i'm my brother's keeper
every chance i can
i pay my taxes
like any working man
and i feel i've earned
my right to choose
you don't get to play god, man
i do
you don't get to play god, man
i do
you get to run the world
in your special way
you get much more
much more than your say
government, religion
it's all just patriarchy
i must insist
you leave this one thing to me
just one thing that a man needs
to be truly free
this is the modern world
and that one thing is money
but there are two things
that a woman needs
control over her own body
yes i pay the price
on top of everything
each month a bill
each month a reckoning
and each seed that dies
i cry and i bleed
so you can't tell me
no you can't tell me
i am a soldier
it's my blood that flows
i'd give my life
so that this tree can grow
you don't know creation
like i know
so you can't tell me
no you can't tell me
i'm my brother's keeper
every chance i can
i pay my taxes
like any workin man
and i feel i've earned
my right to choose
you don't get to play god
i do
Ani DiFranco Lyrics brought to you by danah boyd since 1995